Just a couple of tips for you.
1. do not use plastic tubing for your oil feed, at a minimum get the brass tubing kit from ramchargers or summit. The best would be -2 braided, but I understand budget is a consideration.
2. both the oil gauge and water temp gauge(unless they are electric) will have to pass thru the fire wall, try to find a factory hole, becarefull if you have to drill, check both sides for anything in the way. Insulate the edges of the whole,you can get rubber grommets at a hardware store.
3. You can download installation instructions at AutoMeter's page, the instructions are fairly universal for those 3 gauges, might want to check to see if your brand has a web site.
4. Your gonna have to fabricate 1 or 2 Tee's to hook those gauges up, so plan it out, then go to the hardware store, they should have the brass or steel fittings youll need.
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