go ahead and do it, most agencies will pay for it if you promise to work for them. they reimburse you.
not sure how that would work for reimbursemnt on a part time gig.
but i would get the license, then try to go on the mortgage end of it.
for the next 3 years your gonna see HUGE numbers of people refinancing to get out of their ARM's.
the same 30 million people that rushed to get into them will be getting out of them, since there adj. rate will be going over 7-8% and fixed right now is only 6% (for the moment) but they are stuck for 2-3 years from inception.
anyways......it's gonna be a big business, and commision is there as well, for less work.
another option...(and they all tie together) is to get your notary.
you can get $125-$200 / signature for notarizing mortgages on closing.
not bad for 5 minutes of work.
w/ the RE license, some experience in mortgages..(generating , and closing) + a notary stamp.....you could roll phat cash.
and since the michigan market is gonna go down for the next few years...in about 5-7 years there is gonna be another big influx of home purchases.
it's like clockwork......other states rise so fast no one can afford it, then they move here, and starts the RE war here again...til it cools.
all about riding waves.
'93 Calypso Notch , under construction...
6th stang and counting