Originally Posted by murph
And maybe one day you'll look like that......fag...
Lick my taint, you homo!!
Hey Murph, read up, Biooooooooooootch.
Monday 11-13-2006 (Evening)...
Cardio = 30 Minutes on the treadmill at 15* incline and 3.3 mph...578 cals burned.
Bench Press: 10 reps of 225lbs
Bench Press: 5 reps of 315lbs
Bench Press: 10 reps of 275lbs
Bench Press: 10 reps of 265lbs
Bench Press: 10 reps of 245lbs
Bench Press: 10 reps of 225lbs
Bench Press: 10 reps of 185lbs
Bench Press (thumb to thumb close grip): 10 reps of 155lbs
Bench Press (thumb to thumb close grip): 10 reps of 155lbs
Shrug Rack: 30 reps of 475lbs
Shrug Rack: 25 reps of 565lbs
Shrug Rack: 20 reps of 565lbs
Shrug Rack: 25 reps of 475lbs
Tuesday 11-14-2006 (Evening)**had to be in Downtown Detroit for training at 8:00am. No time to train in the AM**:
Cardio = 30 Minutes on the treadmill at 15* incline and 3.3 mph...577 cals burned.
Preacher Curls: 10 reps of 105lbs
Preacher Curls: 10 reps of 95lbs
Preacher Curls: 10 reps of 115lbs
Preacher Curls: 10 reps of 125lbs
Preacher Curls: 10 reps of 115lbs
Preacher Curls: 10 reps of 105lbs
Preacher Curls: 10 reps of 95lbs
Preacher Curls: 10 reps of 95lbs
Preacher Curls: 25 reps of 50lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 95lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 102.5lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 110lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 125lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 110lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 110lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 102.5lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 95lbs
Cable Pull-Downs (Tricep): 10 reps of 95lbs