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Unread 08-23-2010, 07:40 PM   #1
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Default Flowmaster-Equipped Blownfish Takes to the (Salt) Lake

There's seemingly no end to the info pouring in from this past SpeedWeek in Bonneville. The Troy Trepanier-built, Mopar and Flowmaster-sponsored George Poteet "Blownfish" '69 Barracuda had a tough start as the engine gave out on the first pass. The Rad Rides team quickly dropped the plant and rebuilt it in the trailer with two new pistons and new heads. An extra water line in the 'Cuda's pressurized cooling system was ran from the block to the center of the cylinder heads. The new head design, cam spec changes, intake design, turbo air delivery and a 30lb pressurized cooling system gave the Blownfish a hell of an advantage.

On the 17th, the fish completed two passes reaching 250mph. With limited boost pressure and shift points, the 'fish set a new record speed in B/BGCC at 272mph; the old record being 249. A back run set a new B/BGCC record of 277mph. Changes to the software program, additional boost and changed shift points from 7500 to 8000, a cubic inch change from 352 to 392 allowed the crew a class change from C to B/BFCC. These changes helped the Blownfish near its goal of 308-plus and making the Blowfish the fastest door slammer on the lakebed.

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