I was curious as to who was still at their quest for physical greatness, who has recently started thier quest, where exactly you're at, and also where you are trying to get to.
Currently I am finishing up a 6 week bulk cycle that ends this Friday. 11-10-2006. I am tipping the scale at 238lbs, (as of 6:20am today) and am trying to get down to 10% body fat, and 225 solid lbs by April 2007. I'd also like to drop 10 lbs of fat by Thanksgiving this year. (16 days)
Here is my workout from last night...
Treadmill: 10 minutes of max incline (15*) at 4mph. (this was hell and I could barely walk thanks to my calves/shins burning so badly)
Flat bench: 10 reps of 225lbs no spotter.
Flat bench: 10 reps of 245lbs no spotter.
Shrug Rack: 30 reps of 385lbs (8 plates + rack weight)
Flat bench: 10 reps of 265lbs no spotter.
Shrug Rack: 25 reps of 475lbs (10 plates + rack weight)
Flat bench: 10 reps of 265lbs no spotter.
Shrug Rack: 20 reps of 475lbs
Flat bench: 10 reps of 245lbs no spotter.
Shrug Rack: 20 reps of 475lbs
Flat bench: 10 reps of 225lbs no spotter.
Shrug Rack: 15 reps of 475lbs
Flat bench: 10 reps of 155lbs no spotter. (thumb to thumb close grip)
Flat bench: 10 reps of 155lbs no spotter. (thumb to thumb close grip)
Here is my workout from 6:15am this morning...
Treadmill: 28:09 of max incline (15*) at 3.3mph. 525 calories burned.
**my damn towel fell down and pulled the emergency stop off of the machine. It should have been 30 minutes.**
Inclined Lay Down leg lifts: (ABS) 20 reps
Inclined Lay Down leg lifts: (ABS) 20 reps
Flat bench: 10 reps of 245lbs no spotter.
Inclined Lay Down leg lifts: (ABS) 20 reps
Flat bench: 10 reps of 245lbs no spotter.
Shrug Rack: 20 reps of 475lbs (10 plates + rack weight)
Inclined Lay Down leg lifts: (ABS) 15 reps
Shrug Rack: 20 reps of 475lbs
Shrug Rack: 15 reps of 475lbs
Flat bench: 10 reps of 155lbs no spotter. (thumb to thumb close grip)
Flat bench: 10 reps of 155lbs no spotter. (thumb to thumb close grip)
I can't wait to go to the gym after work tonight. I think I will work delts and arms. I look forward to not being able to touch my face or wash my own hair after my work out tonight.