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Unread 10-17-2005, 01:42 PM   #1
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Default New tint law in legislation

Tint bill includes jail time

Web-posted Oct 16, 2005

Offense is now civil infraction with fines

Of The Oakland Press

Customized cars with dark tinted windows may become a thing of the past if state Sen. Deborah Cherry has her way.

A bill introduced by Cherry, D-Burton, would stiffen penalties for illegal window tints with a $500 fine and up to 90 days in jail.

Currently, the offense is a civil infraction with fines determined by the jurisdiction in which the violation occurs. In most cases, an offender can have the tint removed within 30 days to avoid fines, which are usually about $90 with no points added to the license.

Window tinting was in the news this past week when Detroit Piston Darko Milicic was stopped by Sterling Heights police because of dark windows on his 2004 Audi. He said he had been driving it for more than a year and didn't know it was illegal.

Lt. Gerry Scherlinck of the Troy Police Department said window tint can be up to only 35 percent in terms of darkness on a vehicle's windshield and passenger- and driver-side windows, and the tint can not exceed 4 inches.

"You can do whatever you please to the back windows," he said. "When you see some of these cars that are totally darked out, that's illegal. It poses a threat to police officers (and emergency workers) trying to see inside the car."

Denise Flannery, legislative aide for Cherry, whose district includes a portion of Oakland County, said the bill was introduced in response to a recent event in which a police officer was concerned for his safety.

"We feel the current fines are not enough to deter the illegal use of window tinting," she said.

The bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on Transportation.

The only exemption to the current legislation is a signed doctor's note specifying the tint is needed for vision problems.

Leticia Weatherby, a 22-year-old nurse's aide from Waterford Township, said she has been pulled over at least twice for her tinted windows, which she said allows officers to see inside her vehicle.

Weatherby owns a twodoor 1996 Monte Carlo and had all of the windows, except the windshield, tinted in February.

"I was under the impression that the tint shop only did the legal amount," she said. "I agree people shouldn't be allowed to tint windows so darkly that it causes a problem with the law. But I don't understand why they allow these shops to apply illegal tint but ticket you for it."

Weatherby said it costs about $179 to have the windows tinted and about $300 to have the tint removed.

"I'm not taking it off," she said. "I had the windows tinted to keep the sun out of my face and out of my child's face. If it's illegal for people to have the tint, it should be illegal for the shops to put it on."

There are no laws prohibiting the installation of illegal tint. Roger Griffi ths, outside sales coordinator with Ameristar Auto Outfi tters in Waterford, which specializes in window tinting, said his company does warn customers of the consequences of illegal window tinting but will still perform the work.

Flannery said including window-tinting businesses in the bill was "not the direction we're taking right now."

Sgt. Nathaniel McQueen with the Michigan State Police said one of the issues is tinted windows are also offered by manufacturers.

"In some areas, such as Arizona and Texas, it's legal because of the heat index," he said. "There needs to be a regulation stating it is illegal for a secondary vendor to put it on. Otherwise, you run into problems with manufacturers. "This is really something the state needs to look into. I would think anyone proposing legislation to increase the penalty for illegal tinting should include the businesses that are putting this tint on the windows." John Sturk and Kevin Curtin of the Capital News Service contributed to this story.
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Unread 10-17-2005, 01:58 PM   #2
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I can see both point of views on this one. The Cobra has the windows down when I'm driving since it's my summer toy so I'm not worried. Now the Saab.....even though it's only 35% on the side it would be enough to be a problem. Just have to hope for the best.

You could always get the doc to sign the "it's for my eye's" note.
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Unread 10-17-2005, 02:29 PM   #3
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fuck that bitch. This is ridiclious, All they have to do is worry about window tint? WTF! Why dont they try passing some bills that are actually going to HELP people. All they seem to wanna keep doing is taking things away. Bullshit.

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Unread 10-17-2005, 03:05 PM   #4
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This is bullshit!!!!!!!!!

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Unread 10-17-2005, 03:08 PM   #5
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i can see their point of view on this..Cop's want to be able to see what is goin on in the car before they walk up to it and put their head in the window. They are looking at it as a safety issue for them..unfortunatly they will probably win on this

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Unread 10-17-2005, 03:12 PM   #6
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that is some serious bullshit, and i just got pulled over yesterday and the cop gave me a ticket for that. Damn that shit pisses me off.
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Unread 10-17-2005, 03:15 PM   #7
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Yea thats if they do win..put some more people outta jobs. Assholes

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Unread 10-17-2005, 04:13 PM   #8
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The best part is when you see a unmarked police car with all the windows tinted. can you say " above the law". A friend of mine said he took photos of all the unmarked cars in the district and brought it to court and won. I don't believe it but it makes a good story.
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Unread 10-17-2005, 05:49 PM   #9
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Lt. Gerry Scherlinck of the Troy Police Department said window tint can be up to only 35 percent in terms of darkness on a vehicle's windshield and passenger- and driver-side windows, and the tint can not exceed 4 inches.

"You can do whatever you please to the back windows," he said. "When you see some of these cars that are totally darked out, that's illegal. It poses a threat to police officers (and emergency workers) trying to see inside the car."
What I don't get is you can do whatever you please to the back windows and ONLY up to 35% in the fronts. BUT people still get pulled over for having 35% in the front and get tickets for it. I have 35% in the front so I guess I should have nothing to worry about then for now!
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Unread 10-17-2005, 06:25 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Steve Starnes
What I don't get is you can do whatever you please to the back windows and ONLY up to 35% in the fronts. BUT people still get pulled over for having 35% in the front and get tickets for it. I have 35% in the front so I guess I should have nothing to worry about then for now!
window tint can be up to only 35 percent in terms of darkness on a vehicle's windshield and passenger- and driver-side windows, and the tint can not exceed 4 inches.
Meaning 4 inches from the top of the window. In other words, you'd have a stripe at the top of your side windows for it to be legal.
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Unread 10-17-2005, 06:33 PM   #11
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Lisa's ticket free solution when getting pulled over for window tint:

When you get pulled over for window tint, tell the officer that you just got pulled over and ticketed for window tint a few days ago (name a city you aren't in obviously). Also, you have an appointment to have it removed in a few days.

99.999% of the time (the .001% if you're a prick to the cop) the officer will let you go on a warning since you said you already have a ticket and are getting it removed asap. They can't check if you actually did receive a ticket because tickets don't go into their system until you pay it or go to court.

This has never failed for anyone I know that has done this!

Oh, and if a law like that ever goes into affect...try using the above, but mention you didn't know there was a new law until you received a ticket a few days're having it removed....blah, blah, blah.
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Unread 10-17-2005, 06:36 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Lisa
Lisa's ticket free solution when getting pulled over for window tint:

When you get pulled over for window tint, tell the officer that you just got pulled over and ticketed for window tint a few days ago (name a city you aren't in obviously). Also, you have an appointment to have it removed in a few days.

99.999% of the time (the .001% if you're a prick to the cop) the officer will let you go on a warning since you said you already have a ticket and are getting it removed asap. They can't check if you actually did receive a ticket because tickets don't go into their system until you pay it or go to court.

This has never failed for anyone I know that has done this!

Oh, and if a law like that ever goes into affect...try using the above, but mention you didn't know there was a new law until you received a ticket a few days're having it removed....blah, blah, blah.
I'm gonna put that in my little trick book!
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Unread 10-17-2005, 06:40 PM   #13
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For the full book on "Lisa's Guide: How to get out of any traffic ticket without using any T&A" please send $19.95 to:

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Yeah, well my car has a heated steering wheel!
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Unread 10-17-2005, 06:42 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Lisa
For the full book on "Lisa's Guide: How to get out of any traffic ticket without using any T&A" please send $19.95 to:

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Hustle them dollars girl
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Unread 10-17-2005, 06:50 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by BigWheelinBubba
Hustle them dollars girl
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