you must be the only unbiased v8 guy here, the guys out in PH all gave me props on my 4 banger. all my races out there were against v8's except 1 bmw z3 and i only lost 1 race out there to 383 TPI 97 camaro on slicks.
there you go, somebody who has seen my car run on a near stock setup and BEAT a 03' cobra with a full exhaust and drag radials from an arm drop (not a roll).
and like i admitted, i dont know any of the owners or the cars real setups or numbers, i relayed what i heard out of the owners mouth, he said they took it to 170mph, if its BS then their cars simply cant hang with mine in the triple digits, so what! sounds like 75% of you guys know those cars.
like the other guy said, knowbody scared shit off, i was too busy for the "keyboard" BS and was "preparing" (i never knocked johns stang, i know its more than the average ford) i threw on a ported head, garett gt35r ball bearing turbo, alky injection, bigger injectors, bigger intercooler, 3 bar map and stg 5 ecu, made a few low boost races around the air port and 4 high boost passes at milan before an injector crapped out and i melted a forged piston and f'ed up the cyl wall beyond repair.
next i was coming after that blue stang after getting it dialed in but didnt make it that far. my shit wont be back together in time for anymore fun this year.
we can pick this up in the spring.
how old is young? i started street racing at 16 on mound and dragging at 18, i am 27 now and have a 7yr old son, i havent felt young for a few years now.