well i just got a new 750 CFM holley w/ vacuum secondaries. it has about 30 mins of run time from the guy i bought it off of. basically brand new. well here's the problem.. it idles great but as soon as u try to take it off idle it starts sputterin out and fallin on its face..i adjusted the floats correctly (when i take the screw out the gas is just to the bottom of the hole and just barely trickles out) i'll do this and it runs great for about 5-10 minutes and then starts doing the same thing again. i'll mess with the float levels and then re adjust it and it will run perfect for about 5-10 more minutes and start doing the same thing again.. also when its acting up if i put it at half throttle it will rev up and start surging like its running out of gas. the fuel pump is brand new and there is no problems with the fuel system.. what could be causing this?? sticky floats or what?