For those interested, my car looks fuckin AWESOME all blacked out with the Limo tint!!! The last tint was OK, but it's really nice to see the really dark shit back on my toy car. (The Cobra never had Limo, I bought the car with the last tint that was just taken off. The Explorer I had was covered in Limo) Chris was unable to find a wide enough roll of 15% in the amount of time I gave him to get to my car and get it done, so he's going to come by early next week to do the windshield. He had a wide enough roll in Limo, but even I'm not that crazy. That shit is just too dark for a car that often gets driven at night. 15% is definitely going to be pushing it on the windshield of this car. But, OH WELL, It looks good!!
I'd snap a nice pic or two, but my digital camera still isn't fixed and I'm tired of taking shitty quality pix with my digital camcorder.