Ignition Coils
How not to check an ignition coil:
Ive been having an ignition problem on my DD(Supercharged 3800 Oldsmobile) for a couple of weeks, and finally got off my ass(its cold out) to change out the plugs and wires today(They needed it). But the shudder(felt like driving on 5 cyls) didnt go away. So I decided to check the coils. I know how ta do this, I was a GM tech for 5 years, so I grab the insulated plug wire pliers, and pull off a wire, no spark,OK. So I decide to check the next coil, and when I pulled that fucker off, the coil arched to the engine block, thru the mounts, to my other hand that was resting on the radiator support, thru my arm, down my right leg, to the damp ground. Talk about a wake up. Havent had that happen in years. WOW. I checked, and my pubes are all straight. Well at least I know the other coils are ok. I switched the dead one out with one I had in the garage(Ive got spares for almost everything) and now she's running like a champ again. I might have to go SHO hunting if the streets stay dry. Remember, Electricity always takes the shortest path to ground.
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