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Unread 08-07-2008, 10:38 PM   #16
-2 Cylinders
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: @ CMU
Posts: 24
Cbacarella I need rep points!

Originally Posted by TRIPLEWHITE03GT
That would be me. I park out there to keep idiots from scratching my shit up!

Tell you old man he has to actually go ride the Poo Poo to TRY and beat me. And, That woul NEVER happen anyway! Ask that ho if he put the 22s on his truck yet! He's had 5 weeks to do it and I expect to see them on there Monday morning

A 4.6 swap would be a cool but it will take a bit more than just tossing a engine and tranny in. You'll need the harness and Im pretty sure the gauge cluster too. 4v engines are hard to find and cost big $. You're better off going 2v then adding FI to it IMO. Would cost only a little more and would make more HP. The 8.8 is the only way to go. Or 9", but the 8.8 will bolt right in. I sold my stock 8.8 to a kid with a v6 from OH on Stangnet. Like I said, SVT32VDOHC can hook up up with Stang stuff. He's my bud too so I'll make sure he takes care of you or I'll pound him. He's got a 2v for you too.

What are your plans for Woodward?

First off: My dad will not use his sled this year garunteed! He wants to sell it and will always have an excuse as to not to ride it when there is snow..hahaha. Second off...the 22's, are you kidding me? 5 weeks? Those wont see pavement for the next 5 years if he owns them! Those things havnt felt pavement in about two or three years already! He put them on the first two years he had the truck and that was it. His excuse, "Theyll get dirty and i cant clean them". So dont count on the wheels being on when you see him again. I told him id put them on, he said no, he doesnt want to ruin them with them getting dirty. Whatever. His truck looks great with them on, and he is just wasting them away letting them sit in a basement. Talk some sense into him will you? Tell him the truck NEEDS them on there...haha

Onto my car. If im going to swap it, im not wasting my time with a SOHC swap. Yes, a SOHC boosted will make more power than a cobra motor stock, but then what? Where do i go from there? Internals? Naaah, i dont feel like busting into a motor just yet. A very mildly built DOHC motor can make as much power as a FI SOHC without busting into the internals. Headwork stuff/cams/real nice tune and ill be making close to what a FI SOHC is putting down. So if im going to go through all the trouble of a swap, im doing it right, and going DOHC. That gives me an amazing starting point for a motor.

As for the cluster, you really dont need one, but it is best to get one so i would! I also know its not a cake walk putting one in. I would need a rear end so i dont shatter my 7.5, i would have to get PATS taking care of, transmission wiring redone along with all the engine wiring, convert to hydroboost and all componnets that go with that, along with ecu, a new k member, and a bunch of other stupid little things.

Thanks for referring me to your friend too! Ill keep that in mind when im looking for my 8.8 next season! As for woodward, my move in date at CMU is the 16th so i wont be there. Although, i am making a trip down the thursday before the actuall cruise. Should be a fun packed night! Hopefully ill see some of you guys there!


Last edited by Cbacarella; 08-07-2008 at 10:45 PM.
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