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Unread 07-20-2005, 11:28 AM   #1
One man Wrecking Crew
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Exclamation Funny...yet disturbing at the same time...

So I'm working the door at the Beach Grill last Friday, right? It's busy as fuck, lots of people, line around the side of the building, etc. I'm IDing person after person and up walk two pretty tall, and definitely "older" women...or at least I thought they were women based on the real quick second I looked at them. I tend to be a lot less critcal of older (40+) people and their ID's. So I ask for their ID's (we ID everyone!) and they hand me ID's with men pictured. And I mean normal, later in their years, men. I start to ask "whose ID's are these," and before I look all the way up I realize how "unwomanly" and "manly" these two she/males are. The second I asked that question, they both simultaneously answer, "SURPRISE" in fairly deep, pretty manly, voices. I didn't even scan the ID's, I handed the ID's to them and told them to go right in.

I was shocked to see that people, in this area, at that bar, actually did the whole "tranny" thing. Blah!! These dude were wearing low cut tops, short skirts, and stilletos, and this seemed to be normal to them. :vomit:

I think I'm still recovering from that fiasco.

Low, Loud, and "Stormtroopered"...and slow. / Team MPH
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