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Unread 08-05-2010, 03:50 PM   #1
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Default "Death Proof" '69 Charger Resurfaces in Sweden

Awhile ago, we reported on Hollywood's disregard for classic muscle cars, especially in light of two upcoming movies, "Drive Angry" and "Faster," which feature Nick Cage and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson driving Chevelles, Chargers, and all sorts of other vintage Detroit iron into other cars, off ramps and basically just tearing them into unrecognizable wads of sheetmetal. We had a bunch of whiny people decry the report saying, "Hollywood usually makes them out of fiberglass." While our director's cut of the recent "Dukes of Hazzard" flick and its three hours of behind-the-scenes speaks otherwise, we recently found evidence that Hollywood is destroying muscle cars.


Spotted over at forum DodgeCharger, a new member going by the handle "Stuntman Mike" showed off his newest purchase: the flat-black '69 Dodge Charger driven by "Death Proof" villain going by the same name and played by once Disney child star Kurt Russell. In the Quentin Tarantino film, a white '70 Challenger full of devil-may-care, fun-loving girls is chased down - and nearly to the death - by a deranged muscle car-loving Kurt Russell, before the girls (undoubtedly brimming with "girl power") turn the tables on Stuntman Mike and run him and his Charger off the road.

The all-steel, original bodied '69 Charger used in the film was merely one of three Chargers used for the film, and the most complete. The remaining two, according to forum member "Stuntman Mike," were damaged just as bad but were gutted of running gear and interior. Mike's Charger, seen here, was the most complete of the three. More curious is the fact that all three Chargers were purchased by residents of Sweden! Stuntman Mike, himself lives in Northern Sweden, in a little town called Luleå, 100 miles from the Arctic circle and home to 55,000 people. And for those of you unaware, it is believed that Sweden is home to more American muscle cars than any other country other than the United States.

The Charger itself is no R/T, but it does tout a 440 Magnum with a Holley 770 Avenger carburetor, a B&M ratchet shifter, "Dukes of Hazzard"-style Hurricane wheels, and a Hollywood stunt-prepped chromoly roll cage. What trim left on the car is barely hanging on and the windshield is screwed and duct taped in place. And there's still white paint from where the white Challenger rearended the Charger repeatedly. For those wondering, the chrome duck hood ornament is a nod at late 1970's trucker cult-film "Convoy." Stuntman Mike is currently saying he'd like to keep the Charger in its current battered shape, but we're certain common sense will kick in and the Charger will be straightened out soon enough. And for those of you still thinking Hollywood is doing its part to preserve these cars, take notice: This Dodge is all steel.

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