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Unread 09-28-2005, 01:11 PM   #1
This is my title!
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Default Alligator for sale!

Yes, that's alligator.

His name is Sammy and he is an american alligator. He has been our pet for about a year now, but we recently moved to a condo and can not have him here (for obvious reasons).

Anyways, we are asking $350 for everything. This includes the alligator, a 19" x 49" aquarium and stand, all of the lights, bedding, cat littler boxes (that's his pond), and about a year supply of food. There is no way you could even buy all of this for that price!

He is a great pet, a little over 1 foot long (he's all tail) and his enviroment is set up for him to grow very slowly, he does not bite, smell, have anything wrong with him, and he is a very clean animal! He is very easy to take care of...just keep a UV light on him (which keeps his tank at 82-85 degrees), and feed him once a week (but he can go longer without food if you're on vacation or something) (and he'll eat just about anything from hot dogs, hamburgers, all the way to goldfish), and just change his water after he eats...that's it! When he gets too big for a household (which is a long time from now) he can be donated to a zoo or other places and I will give his new owner all of that info also.

If anyone is interested or has any questions just let me know. Thanks!

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Yeah, well my car has a heated steering wheel!
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