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Unread 07-27-2010, 10:59 AM   #1
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Default Video: Door-Slammer Carnage at El Paso Motorplex

As the old saying goes, “Everything is bigger in Texas.” In this case, two door-slammer bracket racers take to the quarter-mile at El Paso Motorplex for a night that will go down as one of the biggest thrillers in Texas. The pass begins with a Vega in the far lane looking to defeat a Fox body Mustang in the near lane.

The YouTube video shows at the drop of the light, all is well for the Mustang as the pilot pulls an advantage over the quicker competitor. When the tree came down for the Vega, the driver began hunting down the Ford. At about half track, the driver of the Mustang lost control and darted toward the other competitor’s lane. As fate would have it, the two race cars collided, sending the Mustang into the air and the Vega into a ball of flames. Emergency crews rushed to the scene and luckily, both drivers managed to escape the cars under their own power. In order to truly get a feel for how horrific this wreck was, check out the video provided by

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