Originally Posted by Fryguy302
Who are these top 6 cars that are too fast to race at ubly? You know which cars we have (most of them at least), post up what you're bringing.
I don't think anyone over here is looking for a guaranteed win, I mean it's not like we're trying to race small tire cars with an altered dragster
Apparently we have Lavell/Ruben, Smokedu, Blackstang, and a few others who will race with us at Milan, so trust me, we are not afraid to try this at a fast track.
The Ubly suggestion was made because it might be easier and/or more fun to get it done there, and give the street cars a better shot at it. If you guys are scared to try it unless you can bring out rail cars and top sportsman cars, then I guess we can cater to that too, it was just an idea for a relaxing day at the track 
No one is Scared Its the saftey thing you are not going to run our big guys at a track that can not handle them. So we will bring the little guys!!!I'm Just Bustin Balls you guys are the ones that said And I qoute "top ten to top ten"

our top guys are nastalga funny car, the altered. both of fast eddies cars he drives. then we have a new twin turbo Car

that I am not sure if he will run there and a little Tops sportsman vega.
But after Putting all Bs aside we would love to have some fun at Ubly Most of our other guys have no problem running there, You guys are just gonna kick our asses