Originally Posted by slickstang
Sorry Guys Our Top 6 guys will NOT race Ubly I have allready talked to them! Now if you guys can get this going at Milan We can do this. other wise we have to bring our slower street cars to ubly. I just know that you guys were really looking forward to racing our "top ten" to your "top ten".
I would much rather bring the big guys but if you want gaurenteed wins we can go to Ubly. I know some of you dont like to race unless you are gaurenteed a win lol

If its at milan it will be a cluster fuck,if there to "fast" for ubly we can run it to the 1/8 mile or something else at least we can just line them up all at the same time in the lanes and go one after the other,that wont happen at milan just look at how hard it is to just get races off at the no et events.Ill run on motor if it makes the field of cars closer I dont care just want a fun day without the youtube fighting back and forth