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Unread 01-19-2008, 10:20 PM   #7
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QWKSLVR I need rep points!

Well I got this fucker home and it's quite a contraption!! I don't have a book at all nor can I find any info about it online as far as setting it up, changing excercises, etc. It's a power pro XTL. It won't replace my freeweights but will definately add some flexibility on what I can do without going to the gym. I wouldn't have paid for it but you can't go wrong for free!!
And when folded up it only takes up about 2 foot square of floor space!!
Here's a pic I found of it online.
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1984 Capri. Finally at home, slowly coming together??

Last edited by QWKSLVR; 01-22-2008 at 04:50 PM.
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