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johnquick302 02-28-2010 01:03 PM

team detroit racing vs. detroit racing
since team detroit racing is michigans fastest drag racing club. how bout we set up a lil shootout. set up some rules like has to be active members who post regularly. one day at milan or even ubly i dont care. who is down for something like this?

Fryguy302 02-28-2010 01:11 PM

:lol: I don't think they'd want any of this!

johnquick302 02-28-2010 03:39 PM

lol, probably true.

allthrottle 02-28-2010 05:19 PM

Who is part of Team Detroit Racing?

orangejuiced86 02-28-2010 05:19 PM

Team Detroit Racing?

allthrottle 02-28-2010 05:21 PM

Isn't that the same team I guess you'd say?!

Fryguy302 02-28-2010 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by allthrottle (Post 93563)
Who is part of Team Detroit Racing?

I don't know too much about it....some of the guys who are in it are pretty cool, I've talked to them at the track and stuff. Carl, John, and Dan from Motown Muscle started it I think (Slickstang, Fast93, Dannydodge over there). I do think they could have picked a more original name, but it's no big deal.

This is just a website over here, not a club, so I guess that's why they can say they're the fastest drag racing club.....because we'd whoop their ass pretty bad with the cars that are on this site :D

allthrottle 02-28-2010 05:31 PM

Do we have an active list of who regularly posts here?

Fryguy302 02-28-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by allthrottle (Post 93568)
Do we have an active list of who regularly posts here?

Not really, but it wouldn't be hard to put that together. I'm sure all those guys from that club are at the autorama until late today, but maybe I'll send a PM tomorrow and get them to come on here and respond to this :)

johnquick302 02-28-2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Fryguy302 (Post 93569)
Not really, but it wouldn't be hard to put that together. I'm sure all those guys from that club are at the autorama until late today, but maybe I'll send a PM tomorrow and get them to come on here and respond to this :)

hell ya, get some shit started.

allthrottle 02-28-2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Fryguy302 (Post 93569)
Not really, but it wouldn't be hard to put that together. I'm sure all those guys from that club are at the autorama until late today, but maybe I'll send a PM tomorrow and get them to come on here and respond to this :)

I think they only have like 4 cars... Pretty cool guys now that you named the few off Raj.
I think that would be sweet to set something up like that.

87 stang 02-28-2010 06:13 PM

Detroit Racing ?????
I just bought a t-shirt from them guys today thinking it was supporting this site. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

BB71Mopar 02-28-2010 06:47 PM

I think my car might even stand a chance at wining a race :D

1BADAIR 02-28-2010 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by 87 stang (Post 93572)
I just bought a t-shirt from them guys today thinking it was supporting this site. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


orangejuiced86 02-28-2010 07:01 PM

Ahh. I completly forgot about that. Carl called me one day and was talking to me and said something about the new club they started. From the sounds of it that club is made up of some of the cool guys from Motown, no dumbasses allowed!!!

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