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99SVTAddict 02-15-2005 12:53 PM

Winter storm
Well, they are saying we could wake up to 6" of snow tomorrow morning. Not good. Sick of snow and don't want to face a 2.5 hour drive to go somewhere I don't want to be at in the first place.


BigWheelinBubba 02-15-2005 01:54 PM


:uzi: WINTER :biggun:

NTIMID8 02-15-2005 02:28 PM

Stop Whining!!

99SVTAddict 02-15-2005 02:45 PM

You must work from home :rolleyes: :P

357windsor 02-15-2005 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by 99SVTAddict
You must work from home :rolleyes: :P

WINTER SUCKS!!!! :mad:

Strtracer 02-15-2005 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by 99SVTAddict
Well, they are saying we could wake up to 6" of snow tomorrow morning. Not good. Sick of snow and don't want to face a 2.5 hour drive to go somewhere I don't want to be at in the first place.



Im goin back to bed for a week.

StangRacer 02-15-2005 06:30 PM

I agree.......I'm tired of the snow.

unwritten 02-15-2005 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by 357windsor
WINTER SUCKS!!!! :mad:

yeah i cant wait for summer...

1Quick88 02-16-2005 12:33 PM

man that storm was a KILLER!!!! Dont know how i made it through alive... :lol: gotta love the weather people. get paid to be wrong all the time..:doh:

BigWheelinBubba 02-16-2005 12:41 PM

the little weather man that cried "storm" :lol:

1Quick88 02-16-2005 12:46 PM


Strtracer 02-16-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by BigWheelinBubba
the little weather man that cried "storm" :lol:

What a good job to have, you really dont ever have to be right, just in the ballpark, and always have someone else(mother nature) to blame when you really fuck up

silverknight 02-16-2005 01:23 PM

thats when they all get together and come up with imaginary storm systems like "El Nino" and stuff.

357windsor 02-16-2005 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by silverknight
thats when they all get together and come up with imaginary storm systems like "El Nino" and stuff.

I think they just like using all the cool stuff like doppler radar,etc. Gettin paid to guess-damn I need a job like that! :D

StangRacer 02-16-2005 01:33 PM

Where else in this world can you have a 50 degree day then snow at night???? I'm moving.

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