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nitrous_bob 02-07-2006 10:32 PM

wheres al or other cobra owners? '03+
i had a chance to thrash a friends '03 cobra over the weekend. it was a zinc yellow one which i have to say was pretty sweet.

anyways...wondering if any of you cobra owners had track times or dyno #'s from when it was stock.

i was really surprised at this car , and it has basically nothing done to it.

i'm sure i short shifted and everything being used to 5.0's , but i think i found a new love.

Joe5.0 02-07-2006 10:48 PM

375rwhp/380rwtq on average, give or take 15hp & tq.

Stock coupes are about 12.7 @ 112'ish mph, add about 2-3 tenths and subtract about 2mph for a convertible.

Thats about where I've seen them run, take it for what you will.

I do know that with a KB, tune, and some rear end work (to get rid of wheelhop) they can run 10's @ 125+ mph, and put down upper 500's at the wheels.

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