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So who else is sick?
I feel like crap! And seems everyone I talked to today is sick also. :flu:
Not me.. :hide:
yup I am this sux!! second time this winter already.
I'm sick and tired.....of stupid people. Does that count?
i feel just fine..just sick of bein at work...:(
I have been sick for about a week now. Just got $150 in drugs to try and make me feel all better
you fuckers don't drink enuff.....
eat cloves of garlic and some good liquor daily....you'll be good to go. oranges and shit help too. |
I havent been sick in a really long time....work dont know that though :D.
Been sick since before Christmas.... Kinda like a lingering cold...or the ebola virus... I'm not sure wich yet though....
So far so good...
Had a cold at Christmas and thought I had it licked until I woke up today....
Got a nice little headache going now.
i am now sick but i drink like a half gallon on oj and i feel fine or pineapple juice
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