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SHOTyme 05-21-2005 11:45 AM

totalled my truck
Coming home from work on thursday I was merging on the freeway and when i gave the truck some gas to get the truck up to speed the rear tires lost traction and the truck started to spin. I tried everything to save but it just hydro planned in the cement dividing wall in the middle of the freeway. I had just finished/started to rain and the roads were more slick than i thought. I hit the wall really hard and severally bruised my hip/lower, Rightside of the ribs, right shoulder and hurt my neck a bit. I'm ok but they think i may still have a hairline fracture on one of my ribs but they couldn't find it. So i learned several lessons in all of this. Slow down when it wet out, NEVER drive with bald tires and ALWAYS get gap insurance on a new car.

It pushed the frame in the rear and the front. In the fron the frame crushed my passanger side headers and moved the block an inch or so. It also shifted the bed of the frame and damaged the drivers side as well. And the drivers side door barely opens cause everything shifted so far to the right.

Strtracer 05-21-2005 11:48 AM

Im tellin ya dude, that'll rub out.

SHOTyme 05-21-2005 11:50 AM

yea it will...some touch up paint and some elbow grease :lol:

BigWheelinBubba 05-21-2005 11:54 AM

Geezus christmas man, ya think those pics could be any bigger???

SHOTyme 05-21-2005 11:59 AM

i have no clue on how to resize them :(

Strtracer 05-21-2005 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by SHOTyme
yea it will...some touch up paint and some elbow grease :lol:

Maybe just a little JB weld, too

BigWheelinBubba 05-21-2005 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by SHOTyme
i have no clue on how to resize them :(

I think I see some fly shit on the fender...

GTrackd 05-21-2005 12:49 PM

I feel for ya , that was a nice truck too... Glad you made it out mostly alright.....

Seriously, why on god's earth would you even think about driving a truck like that with bald tires in the rain? Especialy on the freeway...... I cant go more than 60-70 with my tires the way they are right now(in the rain). 40-45% tread left...
Sorry that just got to me a lil...... once again, glad you're alright....

Lisa 05-21-2005 12:55 PM

:( Sorry to hear. Glad you're alright.

SHOTyme 05-21-2005 01:01 PM

i have no other car to get to work with and i didn't have the money for the 500 bucks for a pair of tires for the truck.

BigWheelinBubba 05-21-2005 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by SHOTyme
i have no other car to get to work with and i didn't have the money for the 500 bucks for a pair of tires for the truck.

You're the one that burned up $500 worth of tires :doh:

SHOTyme 05-21-2005 03:36 PM

it needed tires even before i bought the truck. I had planned on getting new ones so i kept messing around with them but me putting them off caused me my truck :(

BigWheelinBubba 05-21-2005 03:49 PM

Did you find anything interesting yet to replace it?

SHOTyme 05-21-2005 04:01 PM

nah. I'm gonna start real soon. The SHO is coming back to life over the next week or 2 :D

StangRacer 05-21-2005 04:11 PM

He's thinking about getting a 79 Pinto......but he doesnt want anyone to know yet. :D

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